Thursday, 26 May 2011

Greek Thunder not like American thunder. Or Indian thunder. Or British, Irish, Scottish, what have you. No. While thunder and lightning in the rest of the world I've visited so far is, well, what you know and expect, Greek weather doesn't allow the clouds to merely clap a little and shed some tears.

Greek thunder is like being under attack. 

It’s like being inside a drum, around a curious 2-year-old. 

And it's not even raining. Maybe a light drizzle. It’s not difficult for me to imagine why the ancient Greeks attributed these sounds to some divine origin, because normal sky doesn't make these sounds. 

But hey, who knows? Maybe Zeus is really happy to see me. 

Or really angry. 

Let’s hope for the former.


  1. When I read the title of this post I couldn't help but think of "Thunder from Down Under" hahahaha. Im excited for this portion of the trip!!!!!

  2. The backdrop reminds me of India!!
